Breakthrough the ‘elephants in your life’ so you can dream bigger into your purpose.
You know you’re destined for a bigger purpose, but you…
Just don’t trust yourself or your capabilities, so you find it hard to try new things
Keep coming up against the same barriers that limit your potential
Wonder if you deserve any more happiness and success
Fear facing your past and the fallouts that can happen if you do
Feel stuck in your life and don’t know how to change it
It’s time to stop letting ISMs control your life
Many women have been conditioned by society’s expectations. Rooted in patriarchal systems of misogynoir, misogyny, racism, and other biases, they influence our mindset and our sense of worth. They also limit who we will become, control our actions and prevent us from living our purpose.
The current state of our world is demanding a better future. We can build back better, together. First, we need to uncover the reality of these systems and release ourselves from their powers.

For too many years,
I was where you are today
My doubt, fears and shame kept holding me back. Self-sabotage was a constant companion. I was too afraid to raise my hand and ask for what I was worth.
I thought I could out run it by moving from St. Lucia to Toronto or outsmart it by heading back to school. It kept creeping up on me - when I negotiated a new salary or as I was falling in love. Just like it had when I was 9 years old and downplayed my gifts so I could be moved out of the advanced class at school.
It was only when I had the courage to face my elephant story did I finally have the clarity and inner strength to write a new chapter for my life.
I continue to write new chapters for my life - each one bolder and bigger than the last.
You, too, are worthy of big dreams. And, like me, there’s a beautiful warrior waiting to emerge from deep within you.

Elephant Stories:
Unleash Your Inner Warrior with Karlyn Percil
This 8-week course will help you identify your ‘elephant stories’ - the difficult experiences rooted in uncomfortable emotions such as shame, fear and guilt that get in the way of your success.
You’ll learn to work through your emotions so you can reframe the narratives defining your life. You’ll reclaim your inner warrior, and gain the clarity and confidence you’ll need to step fully into your purpose.
Why Elephant Stories Works
This isn’t just a course. It’s a self-paced, deep journey to learn to trust, love and discover your truest self.
A dedicated coach
Karlyn Percil has spent decades learning, failing and thriving. Leading this program, she offers her deep insights on the neuroscience of stories and the inequities of the systems that shape our world.
A practice of trust
To change our outer world, we must begin within. Inner transformation takes practice. Each week you’ll be provided thought-provoking lessons and exercises that will help you deepen your self-awareness and build trust in you and your gifts.
A Community of support
A village of women is an unstoppable force. Upon completing your course, your SisterTalk Circle will share the wisdom of their lived experiences and their maternal energy to nurture your growth as you dream bigger into their purpose than ever before.
The state of our world depends on women unleashing their full potential.
By raising your hand and participating in this program, you’ve declared your bold intention to build a better future for you, and girls and women at all intersections.
I'M READY. LET'S GO.What Beautiful Warriors Are Saying...

Giving Permission to Heal
“I help to educate and empower women to cultivate their courage through faith, to overcome adversities so they can live the lives they desire. Sharing my journey of healing with women worldwide, giving them the permission to heal themselves.”
Natasha Hamilton

A Quiet Transformation
"My “AHA! moment came when I realized the quiet transformation taking place. No one recognized the new self-loving, open, carefree person I had become. When you begin to embrace who you are, flaws and all, and flaunt ‘her’ proudly, you empower others to also walk in their truth.”
Danielle Smith

A Sacred Gift of Receiving
"[It] gave me permission to receive! Heart-felt advice, congratulations on the heels of success, energetic healing, amazing opportunities – anything, everything. Our community is about giving and sharing but also offers us each the scared gift of receiving with plenty of reminders to do so.”
Tamaki Auwai
As Seen On