We’ve been conditioned to play small. To not take up space. To conform to a definition of leadership and success. If we don’t confirm, abide, we get labelled. By society. Men. Women. Name-calling.
And more.
#BEBOLDFORCHANGE is a wake-up call for u...
We all want to live better.
Do better. Live a meaningful and fulfilling life. According to an article in Psychology Today, by Daniel Goleman, the father of Emotional Intelligence “ disengagement, frazzle, and flow have a powerful impact on a perso...
Last week Saturday I conducted a workshop on Success Strategies for the Workplace – a 7 Leadership Pathway series designed to help you own your position, power & productivity in the workplace in order to increase your leadership impact inside and out...
Beat workplace stress, cultivate a healthier brain & mind, discredit the Imposter Syndrome complex and live a more meaningful life by following the success principles in the Success Planner.
Toronto, ON: December 6th,2018 – Neuro-success Coach & Men...
On a 2012 episode of Oprah’s Next Chapter, my virtual mentor, Tony Robbins talked about the practice of walking on fire. He even got Oprah herself to do it.
“People by nature are trained, almost innately, to be scared of fire and to keep away from i...
“Leadership is less about the position you hold than the influence you have. It’s about doing world-class work, playing at your peak, and leaving people better than you found them. It’s about Leading Without a Title.” ~ Robin Sharma
I follow thought...
“We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.” —Robin S.Sharma
Narrow Your Focus, Choose to focus on ONE thing at a time.
“Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes o...
That time is finally upon us – we are officially in the throws of the holiday season! I cannot believe that Christmas is only 3 days away. Truth be told I did not grow up celebrating Christmas. We grew up in a tiny village in Banse Laborie, St Lucia...
I wouldn’t be here today giving testimony to how much loving myself transformed my life if it didn’t actually happen.
For years I held myself back – personally and professionally – while yearning for more.
More love.
A deeper connection to self.
...Your comfort zone is a behavioural space where your activities and behaviours fit a routine- which things feel familiar to a person. We feel at ease, in control of our environment and even we’re in this state we experience low levels of stress and a...